Saturday, November 8, 2008

Jenn's Tip of the Day

Ok, so I just wanted to remind you to read by the numbers, # 1 being the first post, and subsequenst posts may not make sense as they refer to previous posts so quit complaining and read bottom up. This is not my tip of the day though. Kodi, the time diff. is 9 hours, and we are ahead of you. Please comment, we are far far away and like hearing from you...jah
Tip of the Day: When the security people at a museum tell you no photos allowed, you should listen.

In My Head: "this looks like an interesting piece of art, I think I will take a photo". RESULT= "hey!! so this is what the inside of the cells look like at that cool jail!"


Kyson and Kodi said...

I don't believe it for one second that you got put in jail. haha It sounds lke you two are have way to much fun. Kloe and I are just hanging out in Snowflake. We miss you guys. Keep up the post we enjoy your journeys. Oh and hold back on the seafood eating you are grossing me out. Love kodi

wannabethere said...

Wait a minute. I can see that you're simply inside one of the many moorish(or is it gothic, or baroque or...) places. You can't foolus. At least we know you'll have something to eat - a wonderful Royal City Honeycrisp. Oh - and remember not to compare the quality of seafood with what you've been spoiled with.