Saturday, November 29, 2008

In Memorium

So our last day in San Sebastian, I had been scouting around trying to figure out the most efficient way to get to Hendaye, just on the other side of the Spain/France border. That would get us hooked into the French train system and on to Bordeaux. You can go with the national rail and take a few hours, or take the completely confusing Basque train, the Eusko-tren, for 1.45 euros and it only takes 30 minutes. We took the Basque train. Unfortunately HoneyCrisp was eavesdropping on my plans. She had fallen in love with Spain and did not want to go to France. She was also suffering severe depressions, vapors, water on the brain, a distinct lack of firmness and was terribly worried about her wrinkled skin. Not to shock everyone, but bottom line is, she jumped. Right down on to the train tracks and try as we might we could not coax her to safety. Well, the train was on a schedule, and pulled out.

As you can see there were many many signs for and about safety and what not to do posted about, which she ignored. I think she just decided it was time for a brave stand to finish her day(s) in Spain. Nora was inconsolable. I did not push her.


NWO Observer said...

Visit this blog. Thank you!

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......

Kyson and Kodi said...

It's about time HC meet its demise. I can't believe you took that around with you, but it made the blog a ton of fun and very creative. Nora its okay I know where we can get you another one.